Mindblown: a blog about animal lovers.

  • Are Hamsters Good Pets? This 5 Reasons to have a Hamster

    Are Hamsters Good Pets? This 5 Reasons to have a Hamster

    Are Hamsters Good Pets? Having a pet at home has already become very common among people. The animals that are most present in our homes are dogs, cats, birds, fish, and also the small hamsters. The hamster is a small rodent that can be created in any environment, provided there is a cage suitable for your…

  • Can Cats Drink Almond Milk, Its Safe?

    Can Cats Drink Almond Milk, Its Safe?

    Can Cats Drink Almond Milk, Its Safe? – The fact is that many of us now use dairy products that are not dairy. Products that are lower in lactose and fats, milk like almond and soy are healthy alternatives for people who are lactose intolerant. However, if your refrigerator has a box of almond milk,…

  • Can You have an Owl as a Pet?

    Can You have an Owl as a Pet?

    Can You have an Owl as a Pet? If the legislation of the country where you live permit, it is possible to adopt one of these birds of prey. Now, you have to be willing to meet the specific needs of a wild animal. “Unusual” animals are fashionable, and more and more people are venturing…

  • Can Cats have Down Syndrome?

    Can Cats have Down Syndrome?

    Have you ever wondered if cats can be born with Down Syndrome? Let us now understand what these genetic anomalies would be that cause distinct facial appearance, mental deficiency, developmental delays and may be associated with heart or thyroid disease.   In fact, Down Syndrome (SD) is the trisomy of chromosome 21, unique to humans.…

  • Can Cats Eat Corn? its Safe?

    Can Cats Eat Corn? its Safe?

    Corn is one of the most popular cereals in the world. It is a good source for many valuable nutrients, and it also tastes great. If you like corn or corn-based foods, then you may be tempted to feed your cat some corn too. However, cats can eat corn?   Can cats eat corn? In…

  • The Worst Foods for Puppies

    The Worst Foods for Puppies

    The Worst Foods for Puppies – Often the willingness to give some food that we are eating to the dog that is on our side with that cheeky face is greater than our ability to reason and think about that act. But the fact is that no human food is suitable for dogs, especially the…

  • Dog Bite Injection, First aid and Treatment for a Dog Bite

    Dog Bite Injection, First aid and Treatment for a Dog Bite

    Treatment for a Dog Bite – Dogs are known to have round teeth and this is what helps to cause the pressure of their jaws that cause possible significant damage to the tissues that are the skin. They also include bones, nerves, muscles, and bones. A dog bite may sound like a light problem, but…

  • What Effect of Deforestation?

    What Effect of Deforestation?

    What Effect of Deforestation – The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines deforestation as the “permanent elimination of permanent forests.” Elimination, however, is produced for a variety of different reasons and has a variety of devastating consequences.   What is deforestation? Deforestation is to clean, destroy or eliminate trees through deliberate, natural or accidental means. It…

  • 5 Tips on How to Make Your Cat Love You More

    5 Tips on How to Make Your Cat Love You More

    How do you know your cat loves you? Cats have special ways to show their love: Waiting for you patiently (or impatiently) at the door, following you from room to room, “helping ” with work or reading or bringing you gifts. But how do you teach your cat how much you love her? Here are…