Author: Mr Bear

  • Purple-breasted Cotinga Bird

    Purple-breasted Cotinga Bird

    Purple-breasted Cotinga is a passeriform bird of the Cotingidae family. Also known as purple cotinga. The color of the tops in the male-purple-breasted Cotinga is a deep blue, instead of the turquoise-pale blue of the largest Spangled Cotinga male (Cotinga Yana), which the species is the only widely sympatric congener. The females are typical of the…

  • Tips for Keeping Your Pet in Condos and Apartments

    Tips for Keeping Your Pet in Condos and Apartments

    A pet can change the life of any family. It is proven that those who have affection and affection for some pet, feel happier. However, a pet requires planning as well as a child. For people who live in places like condominiums and apartments, for example, care must be redoubled. First, know the rules of…

  • Learn How to Make CO2 Injector (Homemade)

    Learn How to Make CO2 Injector (Homemade)

    Hello guys, welcome back to this website, in this post we will learn how to mount CO2 (homemade) to aquarium spending little. Not everyone has the conditions to purchase CO2 cylinder, learn how to assemble and properly use an extremely simple homemade CO2 injector for your aquarium.   Material for Gun: • 2 plastic bottles…

  • How to Mate Your Betta Fish

    How to Mate Your Betta Fish

    Preparation of the aquarium: The breeding aquarium may be small (at least 8 liters) or it may be large, I advise using a 20 liter (40x15x20), the more spacious the aquarium is, the better the female will be able to escape from the male and when the fry are born they will have more oxygen…

  • How do The Fish Sleep?

    How do The Fish Sleep?

    Who has an aquarium at home always wonders: How do fish sleep? In some situations, it is possible to observe the fishes at the bottom of the aquarium moving slowly and we do not know whether they are sleeping or not. Each species of fish has a different habit, some rest resting on the rocks…

  • How am I Supposed to Feed My Fish?

    How am I Supposed to Feed My Fish?

    They are adorable, ornamented with beauty without equal the aquarium, but require specific care. Extremely sensitive, fish need, in addition to attention as to water, temperature, ph, etc., care of the food. Precisely because they do not complain that they are hungry, it becomes a real mystery for the creators to discover the ideal amount…

  • Which Airlines Allow Pets in the Cabin

    Which Airlines Allow Pets in the Cabin

    Which Airlines Allow Pets in the Cabin? Going on vacation is one of the best things a family can do together, but if you have to leave your pet behind, you may feel like someone is missing. Luckily, many airlines now allow you to take your pet on the plane with you so that everyone…

  • Learn Assemble Your Marine Aquarium

    Learn Assemble Your Marine Aquarium

    Assembling a marine aquarium is very simple, and contrary to what many people say, keeping it is not laborious and much less complicated. The larger the aquarium, the easier it is to keep it, because the larger volume of water gives more stability to the “mini-ecosystem”, decreasing variations in temperature, Ph, salinity etc… It also…

  • 20 Potential Health Problems in Rearing Lambs

    20 Potential Health Problems in Rearing Lambs

    Hello guys, your rearing lamb having a problem? let’s check 20 Potential Health Problems in Rearing Lambs. Arthritis Lambs are susceptible to contracting arthritis of bacterial origin, the most common Erysipelothix rhusiopathiae. Two days after infection the joints become hot, swollen and painful. It is possible to treat this pathology with large doses of antibiotic but…