How Old is a Cat?

How Old is a Cat?


Have you ever wondered how old a cat lives? In July 2018, for example, the English cat Rubble, turned 30 and became known for being the oldest Cat off today.

But, while impressive, the truth is that the feline still needs to live long to beat the historical record. That’s because, according to Guinness, the Book of Records, the cat that lived the longest was Crème Puff, who reached 38 years and 3 days!

How Old is a Cat?
How Old is a Cat?

So, find out how old a healthy cat lives and check out tips on what to do to keep your friend years and years by your side.

Cats: a long-term responsibility

When deciding to take a cat home it takes a lot of responsibility. Domestic pets tend to have a long life expectancy, requiring us to consider some factors before deciding to become a guardian.

Moving house or city, for example, can directly influence the life of your four-legged child. Other factors, such as the arrival of a baby or a busy routine in a new job, can also affect the cat, leaving it stressed.

This is not to say that, to adopt a cat – or any other pet – you have to commit to never changing your lifestyle again. But it is important to take his life expectancy into account in order to plan and make a conscious decision.

After all, how old does a cat live?

Currently, the average life expectancy of a domestic cat is 15 years. According to Petz’s veterinarian, Dr. Viviane Itaziki, it is valid for any Cat, including those of mixed breed.

So, forget the myth that SRD cats are more resistant. “It is not the breed, but the lifestyle that has the greatest impact on how long the Cat will live”, explains Dr. Viviane.

In this sense, it is important to note that this average cat life span considers the domestic cat healthy and does not have access to the street. For runaway pets or those with some genetic disease, the average life span drops to somewhere between 3 and 10 years.

But do not worry! We have separated some tips that will help provide a long and healthy life for your friend.


Risk factors

As explained by Dr. Viviane, lifestyle is a fundamental factor when asking how old a cat lives. Many tutors, for example, allow the cat to leave the house freely. If it is your case, know that, according to the expert, this is one of the main “shorteners” of a cat’s life.

How Old is a Cat?
How Old is a Cat?

“Access to the street is dangerous, because it can facilitate contact with infectious diseases, for example. The pet is also at risk of getting involved in fights or having accidents ”, he warns.

But, even indoors, some precautions must be taken to ensure that all stages of a cat’s life are healthy and prosperous. For those who live in apartments, the safety net is essential.

Cats are adventurous and like to take chances, and can suffer serious falls in poorly planned jumps. It is no wonder that most NGOs only allow the adoption of cats by those who already have all their windows protected.

Other points of attention are food and hygiene. Offering quality food will ensure that your friend has the necessary nutrients to live for many years, avoiding problems such as obesity , liver and kidney diseases, among others.

And watch out for the dirty litter box! According to the expert, in addition to stressing the pet, the lack of hygiene can contribute to the development of diseases and infections.

Older cats, great companions

One of the advantages of knowing how old a cat lives is to learn that it is never too late to give the cat a second chance. At adoption fairs, it is common for people to want to take home only the puppies, but think that older pussies, even those over 10 years old, also deserve all the love and affection!

How Old is a Cat?
How Old is a Cat?

In addition, these cats tend to be more relaxed and can be a good alternative for inexperienced tutors. Here are some care for elderly cats that you should take to prolong their lives as much as possible:

  • For elderly cats, the ideal is that they undergo a check-up at the vet once every six months;
  • Even if they are no longer willing to jump, put screens on the windows and do not allow access to the street;
  • Talk to a veterinarian and prefer the rations developed especially for the needs of older cats,
  • Elderly cats prefer quiet environments, being more suitable for homes without small children and without much noise.

Thinking of adopting an older cat as your new companion?



