Search results for: “best-dogs-for-small-children”

  • What Is the Best Anti Flea for My Cat?

    What Is the Best Anti Flea for My Cat?

    If you think your cat has or may have fleas, count on many products that can repel or prevent the appearance of these parasites. Also, it’s important to know what fleas look like and what damage they can do to our little ones. Here you’ll learn the best anti-flea products for your cat and the recommendations our vets…

  • Can Hamsters Safely Consume Cheese?

    Can Hamsters Safely Consume Cheese?

    Hamsters are one of the cutest and most beloved small pets you can keep. But could they benefit from a cheesy snack? In this blog post, we’ll discuss whether cheese is safe for hamsters to consume, what kind of cheese is best for them, and how much cheese should be given as treats. Get all…

  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Blueberries?

    Can Guinea Pigs Eat Blueberries?

    Can Guinea Pigs Eat Blueberries – Culmination, who doesn’t love them? In particular when we speak me approximately these antioxidant wealthy berries. Who can withstand blueberries? Might your bushy puppy experience them too? Can guinea pigs eat blueberries? Allow’s discover the solution to that. We recognize how terrific blueberries are in a scrumptious dessert or…

  • How to Mate Your Betta Fish

    How to Mate Your Betta Fish

    Preparation of the aquarium: The breeding aquarium may be small (at least 8 liters) or it may be large, I advise using a 20 liter (40x15x20), the more spacious the aquarium is, the better the female will be able to escape from the male and when the fry are born they will have more oxygen…

  • Puppies – Basic Preparation and Care

    Puppies – Basic Preparation and Care

    Bringing a new pet home is certainly a fun and very joyful experience for all family members and being prepared for it can make it a lot more relaxed and light for all the members involved, especially when talking about puppies. With that in mind, we have prepared a manual with everything you need to…

  • How Often Should You Walk Your Dog?

    How Often Should You Walk Your Dog?

    How Often Should You Walk Your Dog – Many people have doubts about how often it is necessary for a dog to go out on the street because although one can say a number of walks or a certain time, this is not a rule for all dogs. In this article of PeritoAnimal we will talk…

  • How to Educate a Labrador Dog?

    How to Educate a Labrador Dog?

    To learn how to educate a labrador dog, the first is to start with the most basic steps of educating a dog. Keep in mind that when a new dog comes home, various behaviors common to all dogs begin. The labrador dog will bite both you and everything it finds on the floor; when you leave, there is a possibility that…

  • The Worst Foods for Puppies

    The Worst Foods for Puppies

    The Worst Foods for Puppies – Often the willingness to give some food that we are eating to the dog that is on our side with that cheeky face is greater than our ability to reason and think about that act. But the fact is that no human food is suitable for dogs, especially the…

  • Oral Flea Medication for Dogs, Is Good?

    Oral Flea Medication for Dogs, Is Good?

    Oral Flea Medication for Dogs, Is Good? In the market, there are many brands of fleas both oral and topical. The oral version can be divided into two categories: 1) Emergency use: Your animal never had fleas, but it went on a walk and came back infested. Then you can give your dog the pill…