Search results for: “best-flea-treatment-for-cats”

  • Do Cats Change the Color of Their Eyes?

    Do Cats Change the Color of Their Eyes?

    Generally yes; Cats change the color of their eyes. Cats are born with their eyes closed and do not open them until after a few days, at least 10-15. Most likely, the first shade you see, when the kitten finally separates his eyelids, is not the final one. Except for exceptions, the color of the…

  • Can I Give My Dog Zyrtec

    Can I Give My Dog Zyrtec

    Is Zyrtec dog safe? With allergy season on your way, you and your pets may be affected by some sinful and watery eyes. With changing seasons, health changes are coming, and this is true for pets and humans alike. It’s often hard to see your furry friend in the clutches of allergies. To treat this…

  • How to Stop Dog from Licking Paws

    How to Stop Dog from Licking Paws

    In addition to stress, other issues can cause the pet to nibble or compulsively lick its paw It is not uncommon to see a dog licking its paw or even nibbling. This is more common in cats, an act called ” cat bathing “. Usually, when animals do this, in addition to leaving their hair…

  • Sulcata Tortoise: Feeding, Habitat, Growth, and More

    Sulcata Tortoise: Feeding, Habitat, Growth, and More

    The sulcata tortoise is a reptile that belongs to the family nucleus of the Testudinidae and the genus Centrochelys, being the only one of its kind; It is one of the species of large turtles, and they inhabit areas with high temperatures on the African continent. Learn more about this specimen by reading this article. What is…

  • Why does My Cat Lose Weight?

    Why does My Cat Lose Weight?

    To all of us who live with a cat that we love very much, we would like it to be always in good health. Unfortunately, although we can do some things to strengthen your immune system, we can never protect you from absolutely everything. For this reason, when you lose weight we have to worry…

  • What is the Gestation Period for a Cat?

    What is the Gestation Period for a Cat?

    What is the Gestation Period for a Cat? As with humans, animals need a whole preparation during pregnancy to receive future children as healthy as possible. In particular domesticated pets demand more attention and depend even more on their families. During cat gestation, it is necessary to know how long it lasts, how to act…

  • Which Airlines Allow Pets in the Cabin

    Which Airlines Allow Pets in the Cabin

    Which Airlines Allow Pets in the Cabin? Going on vacation is one of the best things a family can do together, but if you have to leave your pet behind, you may feel like someone is missing. Luckily, many airlines now allow you to take your pet on the plane with you so that everyone…

  • 70 Cool Names For Dogs From Mythology In Addition To Folklore

    70 Cool Names For Dogs From Mythology In Addition To Folklore

    Mythology offers many meaningful holler ideas for man’s best friend. The names of gods, goddesses, heroes as well as monsters tin imbue your dog’s holler with magical powers as well as mystical abilities that allow them to anticipate your will. Choose your mythological domestic dog holler wisely, for some names may learn a self-fulfilling prophecy!…

  • Why do Cats Not Like Water?

    Why do Cats Not Like Water?

    Why do Cats Not Like Water – Here are some clarifications for those who want to know more about the subject, or for who has a kitten at home and wants to learn more about the animal and why they don’t like to get wet. The # cats come from a lineage of felines that…