Search results for: “can-t-keep-food-down”

  • Why is My fish Betta Not Eating?

    Why is My fish Betta Not Eating?

    When you bring a pet to your home, you assume the responsibility of caring for them all your life. Even if you live a busy or hectic life, you should take the time and strive to make sure your pet is happy and healthy. This is especially true for pets that cannot communicate with you…

  • Food Additives for Cats to Eliminate Odor Feces

    Food Additives for Cats to Eliminate Odor Feces

    Since cats use litter boxes to go to the bathroom instead of going outside, like dogs, or down the toilets, like humans, their waste can be very smelly, especially in small spaces. The litter you use, how often you change it, and what you feed your cat can all contribute to the smell in the…

  • Can Leopard Tortoises Eat Blueberries? What foods are toxic?

    Can Leopard Tortoises Eat Blueberries? What foods are toxic?

    Like herders, leopard tortoises feed on a variety of grasses and vegetation. They require a diet rich in the fiber of calcium. A small portion of the leopard tortoise’s diet can include tomatoes, apples, papayas, melons, cantaloupe, watermelons, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, mangoes, and bananas. With that in mind, can my turtle eat blueberries? Yes, but only as a special treatment. It is…

  • Food Allergies in Cats, What are The Symptoms and How to Treat it??

    Food Allergies in Cats, What are The Symptoms and How to Treat it??

    Food Allergies in Cats – How to find out if your cat is developing any food allergy, what are the symptoms and how to treat it? Take your doubts down with us. Which is? Allergy is an abnormal and specific reaction of the organism aftersensitizationby a foreign substance that does not generate problems in the majority…

  • 11 Foods You Should Avoid Giving Your Cat

    11 Foods You Should Avoid Giving Your Cat

    Feeding cats are one of the most important things to consider when deciding to adopt a pussy. Offering a quality ration is one of the best things you can do to keep their health on track. Sometimes, to please them, a lot of people end up giving “a little bit” of certain foods sporadically, which…

  • 10 Best Shrimp for Freshwater Aquarium

    10 Best Shrimp for Freshwater Aquarium

    Either you are looking for a new addition to your community tank or you want to enter the farm. Freshwater aquarium shrimp are some of the most interesting and beautiful creatures you can have in a tank. However, not all are equal. There are some things to consider before adding freshwater shrimp to any aquarium.…

  • Diarrhea in Cats May Indicate Major Problems

    Diarrhea in Cats May Indicate Major Problems

    Diarrhea in Cats May Indicate Major Problems – Relatively common in the animal world, diarrhea in cats is a symptom that can manifest in pussies because of many different problems; and, therefore, it becomes a complication that deserves to be well investigated, since it can indicate the existence of some more serious disease. Although not…

  • How to Treat Diarrhea in Dogs or Cats

    How to Treat Diarrhea in Dogs or Cats

    How to treat my pet’s diarrhea problems? The health of our pets is of great concern to us and sudden diarrhea often causes concern. To help you restore the situation and relieve your dog or cat, here’s how to analyze the situation in 3 times.   1. Detect the problem Diarrhea is defined as increasing…

  • Is it Ok for a Dog to Eat Cat Food?

    Is it Ok for a Dog to Eat Cat Food?

    Is it ok for a dog to eat cat food – When one has both dog (s) and cat (s), one might sometimes be tempted to give them the same thing to eat? So is it bad for the dog to eat the cat’s croquettes? And for the cat, is it safe for him to…