Search results for: “can-you-use-regular-shampoo-on-dogs”

  • 10 Common Odors in Homes that Cats Hate

    10 Common Odors in Homes that Cats Hate

    Because of the smell, some smells that are normal for humans are very bad for cats We know that animals have senses much more accurate than ours. Dogs, for example, listen better and smell more strongly than humans. Cats, on the other hand, smell fourteen times stronger. Compared to them, our five senses are extremely…

  • Cat Has Diarrhea, But Seems Fine: Do You Need to Worry?

    Cat Has Diarrhea, But Seems Fine: Do You Need to Worry?

    Have you noticed that your cat has diarrhea but doesn’t seem to be upset at all? Should you call your veterinarian immediately in this kind of situation? First of all, what exactly is diarrhea? Mutually, this condition is described as a rapid movement of material ingested through the intestine. This movement results in frequent repetitive…

  • How to Train an Adult Dog in 4 Steps?

    How to Train an Adult Dog in 4 Steps?

    Training or training an adult dog is more complicated than that of a puppy, since the former already has its hobbies and/or possible ailments, and trauma. But with a lot of information, love, good training methods and a series of general steps, it is achieved! Before training an adult dog (or anyone else) we must…

  • How to Clean a Dogs Anal Glands

    How to Clean a Dogs Anal Glands

    How to Clean a Dogs Anal Glands – This matter is an alert to the owners; it is not a possible diagnosis or less a screenplay for medication.     If you notice a strong and unpleasant smell on your dog even after the baths or realize that he started rubbing your butt on the…

  • What Are the Causes of Leg Cramps in Dogs?

    What Are the Causes of Leg Cramps in Dogs?

    One of the many challenges an animal owner faces is identifying when an animal is sick or injured. When your dog limps and struggles to move, it can be an obvious sign of injury. It can also be a sign that your dog is suffering from leg cramps. That problem can be brief or last…

  • How to Control The Smell of Your Kitten’s Litter Box

    How to Control The Smell of Your Kitten’s Litter Box

    Urine and cat feces are very penetrating, so the box usually has a strong, bad odor Many people prefer the cat to any other animal because they are very clean. With their own language, they guarantee the hygiene of the body and make their needs in a controlled place. There is no need to teach…

  • How Often Should You Walk Your Dog?

    How Often Should You Walk Your Dog?

    How Often Should You Walk Your Dog – Many people have doubts about how often it is necessary for a dog to go out on the street because although one can say a number of walks or a certain time, this is not a rule for all dogs. In this article of PeritoAnimal we will talk…

  • How to Clean an Infected Wound on a Dog

    How to Clean an Infected Wound on a Dog

    How to Clean an Infected Wound on a Dog – As we all know, dogs are experts in getting into trouble. Sometimes dogs suffer minor accidents when you don’t need to take them to the vet. Today we are going to give you some tips to help with healing the wounds of the dogs, so…

  • My Dog ​​Doesn’t Want to Eat: What Can It Be?

    My Dog ​​Doesn’t Want to Eat: What Can It Be?

    More than just a body need, eating is often a great pleasure not only for us humans but also for pets. However, it is common to hear from tutors, ” My dog ​​doesn’t want to eat, what do I do?” And because of the importance of food, they are often worried. If this is the…