Search results for: “cat-wont-eat-or-drink”

  • How to Clean a Snapping Turtle

    How to Clean a Snapping Turtle

    We don’t really know how many Missouristas catch and eat covered turtles, or soft bark turtles for that matter. The conservation department accompanies the commercial harvesting of these species, but there are no records of those taken for personal use. As the name suggests, commonly broken turtles (Serpentine Serpentine Chelydra) are native to Missouri and…

  • What Is the Best Anti Flea for My Cat?

    What Is the Best Anti Flea for My Cat?

    If you think your cat has or may have fleas, count on many products that can repel or prevent the appearance of these parasites. Also, it’s important to know what fleas look like and what damage they can do to our little ones. Here you’ll learn the best anti-flea products for your cat and the recommendations our vets…

  • How to Get the Cat Away from Danger

    How to Get the Cat Away from Danger

    How to Get the Cat Away from Danger – The cat is a very curious cat, and as it is sometimes can get into places where it could be in danger. Keep it at home requires then take a series of security measures whose purpose is to protect our dear friend but without depriving him…

  • What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    How to Care for Dogs After Spaying Surgery – You just get your dog neutered? Great job! Sterilization (and castration) is the key to controlling the animal population. Recovery of a dog from surgical sterilization takes about 10 to 14 days. Many pet owners are not prepared for the symptoms of the dog after sterilization, and…

  • How To Know What The Cat Wants

    How To Know What The Cat Wants

    How To Know What The Cat Wants – Cats are mysterious animals, are not they? Lonely, independent and even half-grumpy at times, pussies are usually the sovereigns of the house. And it’s not for little! They are affectionate, but only when they want, and also love marathons around the house at dawn. Because of this…

  • I Want to Buy a Kitten, What to do?

    I Want to Buy a Kitten, What to do?

    A cool thing is that you should constantly ask yourself and if you answer honestly before you even buy a cat, that’s why it’s taking you to buy a kitten. Remember that all things in life, we have the causes and consequences, and making the decision to buy a cat is no longer one of…

  • 10 Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath

    10 Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath

    Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath – If you’ve ever tried to bathe a cat, it sure has scarred war for a few days. You will kick, scratch, meow and even howl if you put it underwater. But despite popular belief, cats don’t hate water. Their distant relatives, especially those who live in…

  • Why does My Cat Sleep on Me?

    Why does My Cat Sleep on Me?

    Why Does My Cat Sleep on Me? As long as we are living cold days, no problem, because we need a little extra heat at night, but in the summer it can be a bit uncomfortable. Would you like to know why your cat likes to sleep on top of you regardless of the time…

  • How to Identify a Stressed Cat? Check out 7 signs

    How to Identify a Stressed Cat? Check out 7 signs

    How to Identify a Stressed Cat – There are ways to improve the feline’s quality of life and reverse this situation Puppies are usually more expressive and their emotions may be easier to identify. The kitten is not always able to express the pain or some discomfort in the same way and when it is…