Search results for: “chewable-flea-treatment-for-cats”

  • Food Additives for Cats to Eliminate Odor Feces

    Food Additives for Cats to Eliminate Odor Feces

    Since cats use litter boxes to go to the bathroom instead of going outside, like dogs, or down the toilets, like humans, their waste can be very smelly, especially in small spaces. The litter you use, how often you change it, and what you feed your cat can all contribute to the smell in the…

  • Why do Cats Lick each Other?

    Why do Cats Lick each Other?

    Why do cats lick each other? When we see the cat licking itself we usually associate only with the maintenance of hair hygiene. But he knew there were more reasons for the cat to lick. The cat licks itself by: Personal hygiene Waterproofing Vitamin D Absorption Body temperature control Relaxation Social factor Let’s discuss these…

  • How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever

    How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever

    How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever – Like humans, our kittens also suffer from colds, flu, and malaise that cause them to have changes in their body temperature in the form of a fever. Many people believe that when the cat is dry and hot, or if the tongue is warm, it is…

  • How to Tell if a Kitten is Male or Female

    How to Tell if a Kitten is Male or Female

    How to Tell if a Kitten is Male or Female – When we have newly born kittens or when we find a feline in the street and we adopt it, it’s normal to arise the question about what sex it is. In the case of infant cats, it is not as evident as in adult cats…

  • Why does My Cat Lick My Hair?

    Why does My Cat Lick My Hair?

    Why Does My Cat Lick My Hair – Cats are able to find fun in things that may be insignificant for humans: a box, a paper ball, something they find lying on the floor or on the table, including their hair! All these are elements capable of entertaining the cats for some time. When it is…

  • How to Tell if a Cat is in Heat?

    How to Tell if a Cat is in Heat?

    When a cat is in the heat it is difficult not to notice, some breeds may be more discreet than others, but in general, they communicate perfectly when they are in heat. If you are thinking about adopting a cat, it may be good to know when you are in heat, so keep reading this…

  • 10 Cat Species Convey Virtually Expensive Too Fantastic Prices

    10 Cat Species Convey Virtually Expensive Too Fantastic Prices

    For you lot lovers of cats who are really fond of exotic truthful cat species, unique, dissimilar together with exceptional character, you lot may endure able to select i type of truthful cat below equally pets. The cost skyrocketed for certain paid off amongst all the elegant belatedly together with all eksotisan they have. Let’s…

  • 10 Common Odors in Homes that Cats Hate

    10 Common Odors in Homes that Cats Hate

    Because of the smell, some smells that are normal for humans are very bad for cats We know that animals have senses much more accurate than ours. Dogs, for example, listen better and smell more strongly than humans. Cats, on the other hand, smell fourteen times stronger. Compared to them, our five senses are extremely…

  • Why does My Cat Pee on the Floor

    Why does My Cat Pee on the Floor

    Cats are extremely clean animals, they rarely make dirt around the house. Whoever adopted a kitten for the first time in life, has already been amazed at their ability to do their needs directly in the sand, without training. It turns out that not everything is flowers in the development of our kitten. As they…