Search results for: “does-cold-weather-kill-fleas”

  • Why Is My Cat Peeing on My Bed?

    Why Is My Cat Peeing on My Bed?

    Finding out you’re lying on sheets soaked in cat pee may be the only time you’re awake in bed and wanted to have a nightmare. But, unfortunately, cat urination on your mattress is one of those dilemmas that some pet parents are dealing with. There may be some reasons why your cat urinates on your…

  • How Much does it Cost to Declaw a Cat

    How Much does it Cost to Declaw a Cat

    Declawing a cat is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the cat’s claws and the last bone of each toe. It is typically done to prevent scratching and damage to furniture or to address specific medical conditions. However, declawing is not a simple nail trim. Major surgery can have severe implications for the…

  • Can Cats Eat Bananas?

    Can Cats Eat Bananas?

    Can Cats Eat Bananas? It is one of these meals that can be tempting to provide your cat. You’re sat there on the sofa, munching away on a banana and it’s miles all to easy to break off a little and supply it to your cat. However, is it okay to do so? Allow’s take…

  • What to do When You Find a Lost Cat on The Street?

    What to do When You Find a Lost Cat on The Street?

    As tempting as it may be, do not adopt it without trying to find the real owners or pick it up without having any kind of care Did you ever find a lost cat on the street and did not know what to do? It is normal for people to have no idea how to…

  • How to Deal with Jealous Dogs

    How to Deal with Jealous Dogs

    How to Deal with Jealous Dogs – Many tutors think jealousy is just a sign of love as a puppy many find it cute when the dog snarls at someone approaching the owner, but then he grows up and this behavior goes from cuddly to embarrassing and uncomfortable. In this article we will talk about the…

  • How to Give Pills to Puppies

    How to Give Pills to Puppies

    How to Give Pills to Puppies – To see our sick little companion is to cut the heart. Then we do the usual: we go to the veterinarian and in the end we leave with a glamorous list of drugs with absurd names that we never heard of and we do not know anything about…

  • How Old is a Cat?

    How Old is a Cat?

    Have you ever wondered how old a cat lives? In July 2018, for example, the English cat Rubble, turned 30 and became known for being the oldest Cat off today. But, while impressive, the truth is that the feline still needs to live long to beat the historical record. That’s because, according to Guinness, the Book of Records,…

  • How Often Should You Feed a Betta Fish

    How Often Should You Feed a Betta Fish

    Bettas are species of fish that can be cared for in your fish tank. While they are beautiful and visually stunning, there are plenty of things you’ll want to think about when it comes to keeping them (especially around other fish) and taking care of them. As with any living species, it’s important to make…

  • How Long Can a Cat Go Without Eating

    How Long Can a Cat Go Without Eating

    How Long Can a Cat Go Without Eating? Its difficult to answer, But most animals die within three days of total water withdrawal. However, if you have constant access to water, the time that will last without food depends considerably on the condition of the body. Many cat owners are guilty of this atrocity. That’s…