Search results for: “how-long-does-a-turtle-live”

  • Fact About Siberian Huskies

    Fact About Siberian Huskies

    The husky was used for centuries by the Chukchi tribe in Siberia as a sled dog. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was imported into North America by fur traders, and participated in numerous sleigh races, in which it showed itself to be very efficient. In 1925, a diphtheria outbreak in Nome, Alaska,…

  • How to Get Rid of Algae in Fish Tank

    How to Get Rid of Algae in Fish Tank

    The growth of algae is a fact of life that all aquarium owners will face sooner or later. Some algae growth is normal and healthful, but an overgrowth of algae is ugly and can be dangerous for fish and plants. Algae can appear as a brown, greenish, reddish, or film residue that drags over tank…

  • How Many Hours does a Kitten Sleep?

    How Many Hours does a Kitten Sleep?

    How Many Hours does a Kitten Sleep – There is nothing more tender than seeing a kitten sleeping. It makes you want to eat it with kisses, but you do not usually do it for fear of waking it up. If this is the first time you have lived with one, surely you have doubts…

  • 10 Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath

    10 Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath

    Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath – If you’ve ever tried to bathe a cat, it sure has scarred war for a few days. You will kick, scratch, meow and even howl if you put it underwater. But despite popular belief, cats don’t hate water. Their distant relatives, especially those who live in…

  • How Long are Hamster Pregnant

    How Long are Hamster Pregnant

    How Long are Hamster Pregnant – If you need to breed your hamsters – or if you suppose your girl hamster might also get pregnant all of sudden – then you definately’ll want to know how long you may count on to attend earlier than you’ve got lots of baby hamsters to your palms! One component…

  • My Cat Doesn’t Want to Eat: See Seven Common Causes for the Problem.

    My Cat Doesn’t Want to Eat: See Seven Common Causes for the Problem.

    Just as we stop eating for a number of reasons, the lack of appetite in cats also has no single explanation and can be caused either by very simple issues or even very serious illnesses. So many tutors ask themselves, why doesn’t my cat want to eat? Of course, this problem cannot be ignored. After…

  • Why does My Cat Lick My Hair?

    Why does My Cat Lick My Hair?

    Why Does My Cat Lick My Hair – Cats are able to find fun in things that may be insignificant for humans: a box, a paper ball, something they find lying on the floor or on the table, including their hair! All these are elements capable of entertaining the cats for some time. When it is…

  • Why does My Cat Sleep on Me?

    Why does My Cat Sleep on Me?

    Why Does My Cat Sleep on Me? As long as we are living cold days, no problem, because we need a little extra heat at night, but in the summer it can be a bit uncomfortable. Would you like to know why your cat likes to sleep on top of you regardless of the time…

  • How to Mate Your Betta Fish

    How to Mate Your Betta Fish

    Preparation of the aquarium: The breeding aquarium may be small (at least 8 liters) or it may be large, I advise using a 20 liter (40x15x20), the more spacious the aquarium is, the better the female will be able to escape from the male and when the fry are born they will have more oxygen…