Search results for: “how-much-water-should-i-drink-daily”

  • What Do I Need to House a Water Turtle at Home?

    What Do I Need to House a Water Turtle at Home?

    Water turtles are very popular pets, among other reasons, because they are really very easy to care for. If you would like to know more about the habitat, feeding, and care of water turtles, we recommend that you read this post carefully.   Turtle enclosures and aquariums This type of turtle needs a space with…

  • How to Care for Hermit Crabs?

    How to Care for Hermit Crabs?

    If you are looking for an entertaining pet that is generally easy to care for, you can’t do much better than a hermit crab. With the correct configuration of the tank, these small crustaceans will thrive. They are small social creatures, active and fun that are a joy to see. This is what you need…

  • How Long Do Ghost Shrimp Live

    How Long Do Ghost Shrimp Live

    Ghost shrimp, also known as glass shrimp, are relatively easy to maintain the freshwater aquarium. Ghost Shrimp is almost always available for sale at local pet stores as well as major chain stores. In the pet shop, they are often kept in a small tank with other shrimp of their kind. The small tank often…

  • How to Mate Your Betta Fish

    How to Mate Your Betta Fish

    Preparation of the aquarium: The breeding aquarium may be small (at least 8 liters) or it may be large, I advise using a 20 liter (40x15x20), the more spacious the aquarium is, the better the female will be able to escape from the male and when the fry are born they will have more oxygen…

  • 7 Steps to Teach the Dog to Swim Safely

    7 Steps to Teach the Dog to Swim Safely

    With perseverance, training and dedication any dog ​​can be an incredible swimmer Dogs are usually good at catching balls, hunting and sniffing things, but they can also become amazing swimmers. Some races seem to have been born to stay underwater and do not need classes, others do not have as much affinity with swimming. Anyway,…

  • Can Leopard Tortoises Eat Blueberries? What foods are toxic?

    Can Leopard Tortoises Eat Blueberries? What foods are toxic?

    Like herders, leopard tortoises feed on a variety of grasses and vegetation. They require a diet rich in the fiber of calcium. A small portion of the leopard tortoise’s diet can include tomatoes, apples, papayas, melons, cantaloupe, watermelons, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, mangoes, and bananas. With that in mind, can my turtle eat blueberries? Yes, but only as a special treatment. It is…

  • Aquarium Cleaning : Pet Tips

    Aquarium Cleaning : Pet Tips

    Aquarium Cleaning – Pet fish health depends on clean water and a clean tank or aquarium. Regular cleaning, every fortnight, should be your policy except in special circumstances. This method allows you to clean the tank without removing the fish, though at longer intervals that should be considered. To do this, a siphon to change the…

  • Cat Has Diarrhea, But Seems Fine: Do You Need to Worry?

    Cat Has Diarrhea, But Seems Fine: Do You Need to Worry?

    Have you noticed that your cat has diarrhea but doesn’t seem to be upset at all? Should you call your veterinarian immediately in this kind of situation? First of all, what exactly is diarrhea? Mutually, this condition is described as a rapid movement of material ingested through the intestine. This movement results in frequent repetitive…

  • What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    How to Care for Dogs After Spaying Surgery – You just get your dog neutered? Great job! Sterilization (and castration) is the key to controlling the animal population. Recovery of a dog from surgical sterilization takes about 10 to 14 days. Many pet owners are not prepared for the symptoms of the dog after sterilization, and…