Search results for: “how-to-clean-ears-properly”

  • Things to Consider Before Bringing a Bird Home

    Things to Consider Before Bringing a Bird Home

    As with any pet, you must be very sure of the decision to want to have an animal at home. A bird also needs care, company, and attention like any other living being. Therefore, it is important that you consult and think about your decision. If your answer is yes, in today’s post we will…

  • How to Remove Cat Fleas: 4 Steps to Get Rid of Parasites

    How to Remove Cat Fleas: 4 Steps to Get Rid of Parasites

    n addition, unwanted visitors can bring complications to the pet’s health. If you are looking for how to get flea from puppy and adult cat, read on. We separate four steps to end parasites once and for all. Fleas: small but dangerous If you have a four-legged child at home, you’ve probably had to deal with the dreaded fleas. However, although…

  • Do Betta Fish Need a Heater?

    Do Betta Fish Need a Heater?

    Betta fish are usually housed in bowls. That means no filter and no heater. Even people who keep betta fish in tiny tanks rarely provide filtration or heated water, and they survive for the most part. This is what makes the Betta Fish so accessible. For newbie fish keepers, college students, kids and others who…

  • Aquatic Turtles, their Care and Needs

    Aquatic Turtles, their Care and Needs

    The arrival at the home of a new member is always important, so you need to have everything ready to welcome you. If you’ve acquired a water turtle, I’m sure you’d like to know a little more about it. In this post, we will cover the basics to take care of your new pet.  Scientific name: Graptemys sp…

  • Explanation and How Long do Poodles Live?

    Explanation and How Long do Poodles Live?

    Explanation and How Long do Poodles Live – The ancestor of the poodle is the Beard, a hunting dog in the marshes and a sturdy and wary guard from Africa. Besides, in French, his name comes from “Canard.” It would have appeared in Europe, accompanying the Arabs to Poitiers. In the sixteenth century, the selection…

  • How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever

    How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever

    How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever – Like humans, our kittens also suffer from colds, flu, and malaise that cause them to have changes in their body temperature in the form of a fever. Many people believe that when the cat is dry and hot, or if the tongue is warm, it is…

  • How to Care Frogs and Toads

    How to Care Frogs and Toads

    How to Care Frogs and Toads – Frogs would be the most widely used amphibian pet. Using foolish smiles and their silly large eyes, they’re hard to not drop in deep love with. When you obtain a few points along, like giving the frog taking care of frogs and just how to put up a…

  • 10 Stress Symptoms in Hamsters

    10 Stress Symptoms in Hamsters

    The hamsters are delightful animals that have greatly popularized as pets, especially among children. While they require little space and relatively simple care, these rodents need us to pay special attention to their animal welfare. Because in the wild they are easy prey for many predators, hamsters need to be constantly alert and able to react quickly…

  • Tips for The First 30 Days of Cat Adoption

    Tips for The First 30 Days of Cat Adoption

    Normally, when a person decides to incorporate a feline companion into their life, it is often considered at what age to adopt a cat and whether it is more convenient to adopt a kitten or adult cat. The truth is that there is no more or less correct answer about when to adopt a cat…