Search results for: “how-to-cut-a-cats-nails”

  • How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever

    How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever

    How to Tell if a Cat has a Fever – Like humans, our kittens also suffer from colds, flu, and malaise that cause them to have changes in their body temperature in the form of a fever. Many people believe that when the cat is dry and hot, or if the tongue is warm, it is…

  • How Old is a Cat?

    How Old is a Cat?

    Have you ever wondered how old a cat lives? In July 2018, for example, the English cat Rubble, turned 30 and became known for being the oldest Cat off today. But, while impressive, the truth is that the feline still needs to live long to beat the historical record. That’s because, according to Guinness, the Book of Records,…

  • Unveiling the Mystery of How Long Snails Can Sleep

    Unveiling the Mystery of How Long Snails Can Sleep

    A snail is a type of mollusk, specifically a gastropod, that has a coiled shell on its back. Snails move by gliding on a muscular foot and are known for their slow pace. They are found in various habitats, including gardens, forests, and water bodies. Snails are herbivorous and feed on plants, algae, and decaying…

  • What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    How to Care for Dogs After Spaying Surgery – You just get your dog neutered? Great job! Sterilization (and castration) is the key to controlling the animal population. Recovery of a dog from surgical sterilization takes about 10 to 14 days. Many pet owners are not prepared for the symptoms of the dog after sterilization, and…

  • How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats Fast

    How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats Fast

    How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats – Fleas can affect any cat, even clean ones, as they are transported from other cats. In some circumstances, fleas can be picked up outside the house and transported inside. Cats can acquire cat fleas, dog fleas or human fleas. Fleas bite cats and infect the skin, most commonly…

  • Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic?

    Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic?

    Why Does My Cat Eat Plastic – Plastic bags are dangerous for cats for many reasons. If chewed, there is a risk of air blockage and intestinal blockage. Playing with plastic bags creates a risk of strangulation and suffocation. Not every cat is interested in plastic bags, but if your kitten possesses, it can be a…

  • What does it mean When a Cat Licks You

    What does it mean When a Cat Licks You

    What does it Mean When a Cat Licks You – Cats have their own kinds of talking with the proprietor and showing their affection in the direction of them as well. If a proprietor of the cat is being licked by the cat, it way he has a unique bonding with you. If a cat licks…

  • 10 Best Shrimp for Freshwater Aquarium

    10 Best Shrimp for Freshwater Aquarium

    Either you are looking for a new addition to your community tank or you want to enter the farm. Freshwater aquarium shrimp are some of the most interesting and beautiful creatures you can have in a tank. However, not all are equal. There are some things to consider before adding freshwater shrimp to any aquarium.…

  • Why do Dogs have Dew Claws?

    Why do Dogs have Dew Claws?

    Why do Dogs have Dew Claws – A dog’s dew claws are located inside the legs, higher than the other claws, and rarely touch the ground. Some dogs occasionally have rear dew claws, and these have less muscle structure than the front dew claws. While most dogs do not seem to have much use for their…