Search results for: “how-to-cut-your-hair-at-home”

  • Tips On How To Cutting Cat’s Laissez Passer On

    Tips On How To Cutting Cat’s Laissez Passer On

    Cats hook is 1 of the anatomy that is essential for cats. Cats purpose claws for hunting in addition to self-defense tools. In improver to the truthful cat, claws are useful equally a musical instrument of social signals, past times giving the hook marks on for sure surface equally a sign that it is territorial.…

  • Why does My Cat Lick My Hair?

    Why does My Cat Lick My Hair?

    Why Does My Cat Lick My Hair – Cats are able to find fun in things that may be insignificant for humans: a box, a paper ball, something they find lying on the floor or on the table, including their hair! All these are elements capable of entertaining the cats for some time. When it is…

  • How to Cut a Cat’s Nails

    How to Cut a Cat’s Nails

    Cats have eighteen nails, ten on their front paws and eight on their hind paws, and it is recommended to cut them every two to three weeks approximately depending on the activity and routines they have. It is a process that can be complicated at first and certainly your cat will be nervous. But don’t worry, follow the steps…

  • How to Keep Snakes Away

    How to Keep Snakes Away

    How to Keep Snakes Away – It was a nice Sunday morning. My neighbor, Anny, was busy with gardening. It removed the dried leaves and branches of the plants. All of a sudden, she screamed loudly. Everyone rushed to her and were stunned to see a black reptile … hissing and moving fast! He was…

  • Koala is Confused After it’s Home is Cut Down

    Koala is Confused After it’s Home is Cut Down

    Clear-cutting, an entire area, can be deadly to animals that depend upon a specific type of tree to survive. Koalas eat mostly the leaves of the eucalyptus tree and can starve to death without eucalyptus tree. Recently a sub-adult male koala was found sitting atop the remnants of what was once his home in Vittoria…

  • What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    How to Care for Dogs After Spaying Surgery – You just get your dog neutered? Great job! Sterilization (and castration) is the key to controlling the animal population. Recovery of a dog from surgical sterilization takes about 10 to 14 days. Many pet owners are not prepared for the symptoms of the dog after sterilization, and…

  • How to Get Rid of Statics in Cat Hairs

    How to Get Rid of Statics in Cat Hairs

    How to Get Rid of Statics in Cat Hairs – Static is common and occurs when an electrical charge builds up in an insulative body, such as an animal or a person. During drier months and in more arid climates, static builds up in cat fur that rubs on blankets, cushions, carpets, and other household…

  • Why do Cats Lick each Other?

    Why do Cats Lick each Other?

    Why do cats lick each other? When we see the cat licking itself we usually associate only with the maintenance of hair hygiene. But he knew there were more reasons for the cat to lick. The cat licks itself by: Personal hygiene Waterproofing Vitamin D Absorption Body temperature control Relaxation Social factor Let’s discuss these…

  • How to Cut Cat’s Nail

    How to Cut Cat’s Nail

    Veterinary explains that it is always good to seek an expert since the nails of the Cats are vascularized Cats are known to have powerful claws and cause deep bruising on their tutors or other humans. That’s why many people choose to cut their fingernails, preventing them from being large and pointy. But you need…