Search results for: “how-to-take-care-of-rabbits”

  • Why Are My Dogs Eyes Red

    Why Are My Dogs Eyes Red

    Red eyes in dogs and cats is a warning sign that something is wrong, isn’t it? And, you have probably seen this anomaly a few times and wondered what might have caused the problem. So this redness may be the symptom of some kind of eye infection or nuisance that causes irritation in the area. As…

  • Meet the Fish Species for Beginners, Fish Suitable for Small Aquariums

    Meet the Fish Species for Beginners, Fish Suitable for Small Aquariums

    Beginners must flee from exotic species and invest in tough fish and easy to care for Do you wish to assemble an aquarium but do not know which species of fish to choose? Rest assured that this has a solution. First of all, you have to choose an aquarium. It will determine how many animals…

  • How to Care for Hermit Crabs?

    How to Care for Hermit Crabs?

    If you are looking for an entertaining pet that is generally easy to care for, you can’t do much better than a hermit crab. With the correct configuration of the tank, these small crustaceans will thrive. They are small social creatures, active and fun that are a joy to see. This is what you need…

  • Why does My Cat Lose Weight?

    Why does My Cat Lose Weight?

    To all of us who live with a cat that we love very much, we would like it to be always in good health. Unfortunately, although we can do some things to strengthen your immune system, we can never protect you from absolutely everything. For this reason, when you lose weight we have to worry…

  • Dog Breeding Tips for Beginners

    Dog Breeding Tips for Beginners

    Dog Breeding Tips for Beginners – While there is a great concern about the reproduction of uncontrolled dogs, with a series of public policies of castration created precisely to avoid public health problems and the large population of animals on the streets, there are also people worried just the opposite. Breeding dogs is a common activity…

  • How to Clean Dog Ear and Avoid Complications?

    How to Clean Dog Ear and Avoid Complications?

    Taking care of a pet’s hygiene is essential so that it always lives strong and healthy. Some parts of the body are very delicate and need some special care, one of them, the dog ear, should be cleaned very often to avoid any complications in this region. One of the most common diseases in the…

  • What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    What to Expect After Spaying a Dog

    How to Care for Dogs After Spaying Surgery – You just get your dog neutered? Great job! Sterilization (and castration) is the key to controlling the animal population. Recovery of a dog from surgical sterilization takes about 10 to 14 days. Many pet owners are not prepared for the symptoms of the dog after sterilization, and…

  • Are Dogs Allowed in the Mall? Tips for Taking Dog to the Mall

    Are Dogs Allowed in the Mall? Tips for Taking Dog to the Mall

    When they spend a lot of time away from their pet, some tutors like to explore other opportunities to enjoy moments alongside the dog. In this sense, taking the dog to the mall can be a good option for walking on the weekend or when you need to buy something on site. In addition to…

  • What do Baby Snapping Turtles Eat

    What do Baby Snapping Turtles Eat

    People keep all kinds of animals as pets, and turtles are no exception. Tortoises are often found in ponds when they are very young and only a couple of inches long, making them look like an easy animals to care for. However, these fast-growing reptiles have big appetites, and knowing what to feed them from…