Search results for: “like-a-bird-in-the-hand-7-little-words”

  • Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know

    Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know

    How many cat breeds do you know? If you like these lovely pets, you surely know that there are many breeds. How many cat breeds do you know? If you like these lovely pets, you surely know that there are many breeds. Taking a look at the characteristics of some of the most common breeds will help you decide…

  • How to Safely Pick Up and Handle a Snapping Turtle

    How to Safely Pick Up and Handle a Snapping Turtle

    Picking up a snapping turtle can be dangerous and should only be done by experienced individuals. Snapping turtles have powerful jaws and sharp claws, which can cause severe injuries if mishandled. It is generally recommended to leave snapping turtles alone in their natural habitat, but if you need to handle one for a specific reason…

  • How to Cut a Cat’s Nails

    How to Cut a Cat’s Nails

    Cats have eighteen nails, ten on their front paws and eight on their hind paws, and it is recommended to cut them every two to three weeks approximately depending on the activity and routines they have. It is a process that can be complicated at first and certainly your cat will be nervous. But don’t worry, follow the steps…

  • Can Leopard Tortoises Eat Blueberries? What foods are toxic?

    Can Leopard Tortoises Eat Blueberries? What foods are toxic?

    Like herders, leopard tortoises feed on a variety of grasses and vegetation. They require a diet rich in the fiber of calcium. A small portion of the leopard tortoise’s diet can include tomatoes, apples, papayas, melons, cantaloupe, watermelons, strawberries, raspberries, grapes, mangoes, and bananas. With that in mind, can my turtle eat blueberries? Yes, but only as a special treatment. It is…

  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Mushrooms

    Can Guinea Pigs Eat Mushrooms

    Can guinea pigs eat mushrooms? Are mushrooms safe for guinea pigs? If so, how often can they eat mushrooms? We will answer these questions and more. Are mushrooms safe for guinea pigs? Whether mushrooms are safe for your guinea pigs depends entirely on the type of mushroom. There are types of mushrooms that grow in…

  • 10 Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath

    10 Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath

    Best Way to Give a Cat a Bath – If you’ve ever tried to bathe a cat, it sure has scarred war for a few days. You will kick, scratch, meow and even howl if you put it underwater. But despite popular belief, cats don’t hate water. Their distant relatives, especially those who live in…

  • Can Cats Eat Corn? its Safe?

    Can Cats Eat Corn? its Safe?

    Corn is one of the most popular cereals in the world. It is a good source for many valuable nutrients, and it also tastes great. If you like corn or corn-based foods, then you may be tempted to feed your cat some corn too. However, cats can eat corn?   Can cats eat corn? In…

  • Why does My Cat Lick My Hair?

    Why does My Cat Lick My Hair?

    Why Does My Cat Lick My Hair – Cats are able to find fun in things that may be insignificant for humans: a box, a paper ball, something they find lying on the floor or on the table, including their hair! All these are elements capable of entertaining the cats for some time. When it is…

  • How to Stop a Dog Biting People

    How to Stop a Dog Biting People

    If your dog, for whatever reason, has attacked another animal or a person, it is very possible that there are many questions you may be asking yourself at this time, can you report me? Will I have to go to trial? What will happen to my dog? That a dog tries to attack another animal…