Search results for: “signs-of-hip-dysplasia-in-dogs”

  • Why do Dogs Wag their Tails?

    Why do Dogs Wag their Tails?

    Why do Dogs Wag their Tails – Scientists still do not have a definitive answer to that question, but experts assume that by doing so, the dog is spreading its pheromones (aromatic hormones with which animals communicate), which are exhaled by the region of the anus. “We believe that the animal releases a pheromone approach, implying…

  • 70 Cool Names For Dogs From Mythology In Addition To Folklore

    70 Cool Names For Dogs From Mythology In Addition To Folklore

    Mythology offers many meaningful holler ideas for man’s best friend. The names of gods, goddesses, heroes as well as monsters tin imbue your dog’s holler with magical powers as well as mystical abilities that allow them to anticipate your will. Choose your mythological domestic dog holler wisely, for some names may learn a self-fulfilling prophecy!…

  • How to Tell If Your Dog Is in Pain: Find Out!

    How to Tell If Your Dog Is in Pain: Find Out!

    One of the many times dogs do not speak is when they have a health problem. After all, few things are as distressing for a tutor as imagining that your friend may be suffering in silence. But how do you know if the dog is in pain? According to Petz veterinarian Aline Gisele Andrade, dogs…

  • How to Deal with Jealous Dogs

    How to Deal with Jealous Dogs

    How to Deal with Jealous Dogs – Many tutors think jealousy is just a sign of love as a puppy many find it cute when the dog snarls at someone approaching the owner, but then he grows up and this behavior goes from cuddly to embarrassing and uncomfortable. In this article we will talk about the…

  • How to Stop a Dog Biting People

    How to Stop a Dog Biting People

    If your dog, for whatever reason, has attacked another animal or a person, it is very possible that there are many questions you may be asking yourself at this time, can you report me? Will I have to go to trial? What will happen to my dog? That a dog tries to attack another animal…

  • Can Dogs Eat Cheese, Is Cheese Bad for Dogs?

    Can Dogs Eat Cheese, Is Cheese Bad for Dogs?

    Is Cheese Bad for Dogs – Very few canines show up their noses at an offering of cheese, yet should we indulge their preference for dairy products? Cheese consists of healthy protein, calcium, vitamin A, important fatty acids, and B-complex vitamins, all of which play an important role in canine nutrition, but way too much cheese…

  • Why Are My Dogs Eyes Red

    Why Are My Dogs Eyes Red

    Red eyes in dogs and cats is a warning sign that something is wrong, isn’t it? And, you have probably seen this anomaly a few times and wondered what might have caused the problem. So this redness may be the symptom of some kind of eye infection or nuisance that causes irritation in the area. As…

  • How to Stop a Dog from Rolling in Poop

    How to Stop a Dog from Rolling in Poop

    How to Stop a Dog from Rolling in Poop – We do not know for sure why dogs are drawn to roll on things that smell repugnant to humans. But there are some possible explanations.   Dogs have a distinct sense of smell It is no secret that dogs noses are much more sensitive than…

  • Why Cats are better than Dogs?

    Why Cats are better than Dogs?

    Calm calm! I will not say here that one animal is better than the other, more friend, or anything else. Today’s text will tell you how cats ended up giving themselves better than dogs during these several years as they live on the ground of our beloved planet Earth. As you may know, domestic dogs…