Search results for: “why-do-cats-like-catnip”

  • How to Tell if a Kitten is Male or Female

    How to Tell if a Kitten is Male or Female

    How to Tell if a Kitten is Male or Female – When we have newly born kittens or when we find a feline in the street and we adopt it, it’s normal to arise the question about what sex it is. In the case of infant cats, it is not as evident as in adult cats…

  • Why does My Cat Pee on the Floor

    Why does My Cat Pee on the Floor

    Cats are extremely clean animals, they rarely make dirt around the house. Whoever adopted a kitten for the first time in life, has already been amazed at their ability to do their needs directly in the sand, without training. It turns out that not everything is flowers in the development of our kitten. As they…

  • Tips for My Cat to be More Affectionate

    Tips for My Cat to be More Affectionate

    Cats are reputed to be independent, indifferent and even suspicious animals, but although they can be this way sometimes, we should not label them, because they can also be very affectionate and tender animals. When they want, of course. Like people, each animal has its own character and personality. Cats, like dogs and humans, respond…

  • Meet Valkyrie, the Maine Coon Cat with a Human-like face

    Meet Valkyrie, the Maine Coon Cat with a Human-like face

    I always knew the Maine Coon cats have their own uniqueness given by their origin and weight. However, what I never thought about the largest and the oldest domesticated cat breed in North America, is they can look just like a human being. While it isn’t the first a pet with a human-like face, this…

  • How to Keep Snakes Away

    How to Keep Snakes Away

    How to Keep Snakes Away – It was a nice Sunday morning. My neighbor, Anny, was busy with gardening. It removed the dried leaves and branches of the plants. All of a sudden, she screamed loudly. Everyone rushed to her and were stunned to see a black reptile … hissing and moving fast! He was…

  • 10 Cat Species Convey Virtually Expensive Too Fantastic Prices

    10 Cat Species Convey Virtually Expensive Too Fantastic Prices

    For you lot lovers of cats who are really fond of exotic truthful cat species, unique, dissimilar together with exceptional character, you lot may endure able to select i type of truthful cat below equally pets. The cost skyrocketed for certain paid off amongst all the elegant belatedly together with all eksotisan they have. Let’s…

  • How to Brush a Cat’s Teeth

    How to Brush a Cat’s Teeth

    How to Brush a Cat’s Teeth – Want to learn how to brush a cat’s teeth? It is important to know that these cats also need a cleaning of their teeth because, like us, this part of the body is the one that gets dirty more easily due to the ingestion of food. Also, do…

  • 10 Best Toys for Bearded Dragons

    10 Best Toys for Bearded Dragons

    10 Best Toys for Bearded Dragons – Have you ever heard of bearded dragon toys? No? Me neither till closing week. A pal of mine, who’s additionally in love with bearded dragons, informed me that he offered a few toys for his dragon now and that he’s doing some little bit of playing and schooling…

  • How to Make Environmental Enrichment and Leave the Perfect Home for Cats

    How to Make Environmental Enrichment and Leave the Perfect Home for Cats

    An environment with climbing shelves, scrapers and hiding places results in a more active and healthy cat A survey by IBGE in partnership with the Brazilian Association of the Pet Products Industry (Abinpet) revealed that last year, there were 22.1 million pet cats in Brazil. Many of these felines live in apartments or small spaces…