Dangerous Food for Lovely Cats

Dangerous Food for Lovely Cats


Food: Dangerous Food for Cats

Animal feeding is not the same as humans, so we make a lot of mistakes about what to give or not.
Thus, it is better not to yield anything, in front of the eyes filled with the desire of our companions, and prefer to be informed by the veterinarian.
So I’m going to talk about “dangerous food for Cats.”

Dangerous Food for Lovely Cats

Little recommended

These are foods that are little recommended in cat feeding.
Fortunately, they do not keep the cat, but they will not have to be part of the basic food to give to the cat.

Dog food: This diet is known not to be adapted to the cat, if it is fed regularly with, it may suffer from malnutrition and develop heart disease.

Chicken and rabbit bones: These bones are easily breakable, and they can become sharp fragments that inflict serious injuries on the cat’s digestive tract.

Foods rich in sugar: These foods can create serious health problems for the cat. So we avoid sweets and sweet food.

Salt-rich foods: salt is not well tolerated by the cat, which can create serious health problems.

Soft drinks: These beverages contain too much sugar and gas. So it makes sense that they have no place in the cat’s diet.

Pastries and foods rich in carbohydrates (biscuits, cake, etc.): in high quantities, carbohydrates cause diarrhea.
Besides, the cakes are not made for cats.
But this does not stop giving a little tidbit from time to time.

Mushrooms: Mushrooms can cause allergies to cats, so avoid giving them.

Chestnuts and chestnuts: these fruits contain tannins that cause diarrhea and vomiting to cats, and they trigger bloating.

Milk: Lactose is not adequately digested by some cats and causes diarrhea.
On the other hand, we can give desugared milk.
Cheese and yogurt are better supported by cats, so we can give them to cover the calcium needs.

Peanuts (walnuts, almonds, macadamia …): In addition to being too salty for the cat, they cause health problems, and also intestinal blockages.

Cabbage, Turnip: Ingestion of these vegetables can cause gas as a result of fermentation in the stomach and diarrhea.


Baby food: You can give it to your cat without a problem. But before giving, it must be checked that they do not contain any onion powder, which can be toxic to cats.
In addition, they should not be the basis for feeding the cat, as this can result in deficiencies.

Tuna: It must be known that the cat needs to ingest taurine, an amino acid essential for the proper functioning of his heart and vision.
Alas, canned tuna does not have any, so the cat may develop heart problems.
In addition, the tuna is very salty, which promotes a breakdown of the kidneys.
However, there is tuna adapted to the cat, sold to the veterinarian.

Raw fish: If the cat is fed exclusively from raw fish, this can lead to a vitamin B deficiency that results in a loss of appetite, weight, and sometimes death.
However, the cat may occasionally have raw fish as a treat.

Toxic Foods

These are toxic foods, which can cause rapid death in the cat, they are absolutely discouraged in feeding the cat.

Fresh or dry grapes: even in small quantities, grapes can lead to severe renal failure in just a few hours after ingestion in cats, so we avoid giving them.

Alcohol: Needless to say that alcohol consumption is not recommended for the cat and it can be very toxic.

The raw potato: the potato is rich in calcium oxalate, an insoluble ionic crystal.
It is therefore very dangerous for the urinary tract of cats.

Coffee and tea: coffee and tea are the cause of nervous disorders, so they are very toxic to the cat.

Onion, garlic and shallot: it is a very toxic food, it causes anemia destroying red blood cells and can cause death in the cat.

Chocolate: Chocolate is one of the most toxic foods.
It contains a substance that cats fail to eliminate: theobromine.
Thus, ingested in large quantities, intoxication can lead to the death of the animal.

The raw egg: it is the egg white that is toxic, it contains a substance, called avidin, which destroys an important vitamin for the cat: Biotin.
The egg yolk may occasionally be given to the cat, but be careful to separate the white from the yolk.

Likewise, you can give a whole egg to your cat, but only if it is cooked.

Counsel: Counsel is recognized as a toxic fruit for cats because of an element called Persine.
Moreover, it is a very fatty food, so it is not advisable to give to its cat.
The seeds and kernels of fruit: the seeds and nuclei of the different fruits should not be given to the cats.
Because they hold hydrogen cyanide, which accumulates in the organism of the animal causing its death.
Nutmeg: Nutmeg contains a narcotic myristicin, which can cause dizziness, nausea, and vomiting in cats.
It is therefore considered to be toxic.
The extract of lemon oil: this oil can cause vomiting in the cat.
Bread dough: It is the dough which is the most dangerous element because, being ingested, it rises in the stomach of the cat because of its body temperature.
In addition, when the dough rises, alcohol is produced, causing different symptom as abdominal pain or vomiting.
On the other hand, you can give stale bread without any problems.
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