Food Poisoning in Dogs: Know How to Act

Food Poisoning in Dogs: Know How to Act


No matter how balanced pet food is on a daily basis. Still, many have a habit of asking us for food and eating everything that lies ahead. While the reasons for this can vary widely, one thing is fact: mania can pose serious health risks to your four-legged child, including food poisoning in dogs.

Food Poisoning in Dogs: Know How to Act
Food Poisoning in Dogs: Know How to Act

It can be caused by both daily food and other unusual substances, poisoning is serious and can even lead to the death of the pet. For this reason, it is important to know how to recognize it, to know its causes and, when suspecting, what to do if the dog is intoxicated. Let’s learn?


Causes Of Food Poisoning In Dogs

As its name suggests, food poisoning occurs when the pet eats some toxic substance into its body. The problem is that, unlike many people think, these substances are not just poisons. Quite the opposite!

According to Dr. Bruna Veiga, a veterinarian at Petz Alphaville, the most common cases seen at the clinic are due to eating foods easily found at home. “Commonly, people end up offering these toxic foods to pets because they don’t know they are bad,” says the expert. “Or pets end up stealing this food,” he adds.

This is because certain foods that can be eaten by us are actually quite toxic to pets. This is the case, for example, of chocolate, grape, onion, garlic, macadamia, avocado, among others. When in doubt, give preference to dog-specific snacks even though some fruits are released, such as apples and bananas.

For the most curious dogs, it is also worth paying attention to the “inedible” items in the house, such as plants, cleaning products and even the tick poison used on the dog itself to combat ectoparasites.


How to Tell If Your Dog Has Food Poisoning

Knowing how to recognize as soon as possible is a measure that contributes greatly to improving the response to treatment and knowing the ideal dog food poisoning remedy.

However, this is not always easy for tutors, as several symptoms of intoxication are common to other illnesses as well. Know the main ones:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Sialorrhea (excessive salivation)
  • Apathy
  • Abdominal pain
  • Seizure (in more severe cases)

Especially for dogs with a sensitive gastrointestinal system, it is important to note that not all indigestion is food poisoning. “The pet may have gastroenteritis or food hypersensitivity,” says Dr. Bruna.

Intoxication is usually related to more severe conditions, usually with more than one associated symptom.



Food Poisoning In Dogs: What To Do

If you notice that your pet has ingested a toxic substance, do not expect the first symptoms and take it to the vet immediately. The sooner you do this, the less your friend will suffer and the faster and more effective your treatment.

On the other hand, if your pet has symptoms of intoxication but you are unsure why it is important to try to investigate.

In addition, of course, to seek an emergency service urgently. “Each food poisoning by different substances, so the treatment will also be different, depending on the cause,” explains Dr. Bruna.

According to the expert, other information – such as quantity and how long the food has been ingested – are also of great help. “The more information you can give, the better and faster the service will be,” he says.

Although treatment varies by substance ingested, it is mainly based on fluid therapy (administration of serum), gastric lavage and injectable medications. Remembering that all procedures should be done only by a vet!


Intoxicated Dog: Can Give Milk and Other Myths

What is not lacking on the internet are home remedy tips to treat food poisoning in dogs. Among the most popular are, for example, the tutor’s administration of milk and the vomiting induction. Don’t fall for it!

In addition to being bad for the pet’s body, milk can further aggravate poisoning. As for vomiting induction, only a veterinarian can tell whether or not it is recommended since depending on the substance ingested, it can either improve or worsen the condition. Not to mention the fact that a poorly done induction can cause more suffering and several harms to the dog’s health.

Has your dog been experiencing any symptoms or behavioral changes? Be sure to take him to the vet as soon as possible! Find your nearest Petz clinic and find in our online Pet Shop treatment tips for your dog’s food poisoning.






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