Who Came First, the Egg or the Chicken?

Who Came First, the Egg or the Chicken?


The egg or the chicken? Discover, once and for all, the answer to the question that bothers generations, takes many people’s sleep, and maybe one of the greatest and most complex mysteries of mankind!

Who Came First, the Egg or the Chicken?
Who Came First, the Egg or the Chicken?

Ahh… the classic question that everyone asks at some point in life and that, in the end, turns out to be one of the greatest mysteries of humanity! But calm down, today we resolve this issue once and for all and free up space in your life so that you can find other enigmas and paradigms to think about… So, let’s go!

Well, according to a group (formed by a scientist, a philosopher, and a poultry farmer) who got tired of rambling on the subject and decided to study this issue in-depth, who came first was really the dinosaurs. That’s right, the big guys (and there’s no point in looking like you didn’t understand anything!).


According to the foundations of Darwin’s Evolutionary Theory, it would be necessary, first of all, for an ancestor to exist and to lay eggs and evolve from generation to generation over thousands of years. Thus, the chicken could never have existed first, since it is the result of many centuries of evolutionism.

So, in short, the egg came first! He was put by the first species considered a bird, perhaps still a dinosaur; and – after a long, long, long time – he ended up becoming the chicken we know today. Understood?



