Why do Cats Not Like Water

Why do Cats Not Like Water?


Why do Cats Not Like Water – Here are some clarifications for those who want to know more about the subject, or for who has a kitten at home and wants to learn more about the animal and why they don’t like to get wet.

Why do Cats Not Like Water

The # cats come from a lineage of felines that lived in a region of North Africa, dominated by the dry and arid climate of the Sahara desert, namely the felines had no contact with the water and they barely knew how to swim. Therefore, their descendants have less affinity with water.

Over the years, the region where animals lived, began producing grains and locals to stockpile them.

With this, there was the emergence of several small rodents, giving the felines a reason to approach the villages to hunt, thereby initiating their domestication, because the villagers have been wanting them nearby. In their hunts the feline did not find the need to enter rivers or lakes, almost had no contact with the water. So it didn’t generate that adaptation.

Sensory loss

They do not have the skin adapted for baths, so when wet, they become heavier and lose dexterity, tact, and sensitivity. They face it as a form of threat by leaving them completely unprotected.


Some experts claim that cats are hypersensitive to odors, leaving the animal irritated by the odor emitted by water and products used in it’s by. They don’t like being exposed to it.

The own way to take # feline bath is to lick itself, removing any dirt from the body. Their glands in this process emit an own odor that they use as a way to mark their territory. If you take a bath, that odor fades away by making the cat angry.

How to make your animal take a bath

It is important to carry cats always to a professional because if he does not have the habit of bathing, it will be necessary to persuade and hold it without hurting the animal. Important to remember not to force anything and much less push the feline into some local. If he feels threatened, he can attack and end up hurting the owner and himself.

The best way is to get used to the pet from small to bathe in lukewarm water and without additives, drying the cat whenever the bath finishes with the aid of a hair dryer. His skin takes a long time to stay dry, which is pretty uncomfortable for the animal. So, when you’re in adulthood, you’ll be easier to adapt to the bath.


