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Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know


How many cat breeds do you know? If you like these lovely pets, you surely know that there are many breeds.

How many cat breeds do you know? If you like these lovely pets, you surely know that there are many breeds. Taking a look at the characteristics of some of the most common breeds will help you decide if you are considering adopting a cat as a pet.

    • Persian cat: Your long, silky fur is your identity trait. They have a broad flat face and their ears are rounded. They are very kind and lazy, they don’t like to go hunting!
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • Siamese cat: undoubtedly the most elegant. With blue eyes and a jealous character, they have a very refined bearing. However, they like to be in the family, as they are usually very spoiled.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • Angora Cat: These felines are known for their loyalty and semi-long, very soft fur. With big ears and eyes, it is a very playful and intelligent cat. Did you know you can recognize up to 10 different words?
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • European Shorthair: This is a very common domestic cat. They are very intelligent and have the ideal character to live with people. However, they are able to be very well alone. They have a short coat and exist in almost every shade.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • Cane Cat: It is medium in size and wilder. They are characteristic for their yellow eyes and the spots on their hair that remind us of the wildest felines. Although very independent, they are also very effective.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • Blue cat: If you have ever seen him, surely his beautiful gray-blue fur has caught your attention. They have a medium size and green eyes. They are calm, reserved and elegant.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • Abyssinian cat: They are also medium in size and wild looking. They are affectionate and very sociable, you should also know that they are quite independent and active.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know

Small and large cat breeds

If you like oversized pet animals, take a look at some of the largest cat breeds around:

    • Ragdoll cat : They weigh about 9 kg, and are as big as sweet. They are very sociable and easy to educate. It is a race very apt to live with humans.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • Maine Coon Cat: It is one of the largest breeds, can weigh up to 11kg! However, you will love to know that they are very sweet, playful and affectionate.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • Norwegian Forest Cat: This breed is known for being very sociable, and for its considerable size. It weighs close to 9 kg, has a lot of hair and a very resistant skin.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • Siberian cat: The fur of these felines is also very protective, as is their fur, and their own name indicates their origin. Its weight is around 9 kg.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
    • British cat: They are great hunters, so they are usually always on alert and watching. They weigh close to 8 kg and are very independent and reserved, despite having a lot of humor and being very playful. A curious fact: they get along well with dogs and children.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know

Do you like small cat breeds ? So don’t miss some of the best known:

    • Egyptian evil cat: This feline is sleek and muscular, and has a short, shiny fur. Did you know that in ancient Egypt they were considered sacred? For this reason, you must have seen them represented in Egyptian art.
    • Bombay Cat: Known for their energetic and intelligent character, they are very affectionate and love to play. His hair is very handsome, black, smooth, shiny and has a strong musculature.
    • Burmese cat: their personality is ideal for living with humans, they are very affectionate and kind, and are loyal and intelligent. They are also calm and love to play.
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know
  • Singapore Cat: If you want a lovely cat, this is the best one. They are known for their cheerful, friendly and curious character, and are very playful and intelligent.

Domestic cat breeds

As you can see, with respect to domestic cat breeds, they come in all sizes and peculiarities. However, some races stand out for being especially suited to living with humans, either for their sociable or caring character or for the attention needs they require. Some of the most famous domestic cat breeds have seen in previous sections, such as Siamese cat, Persian, European, etc.

Find out in-depth about the specifics of each race before deciding on one, look for the one that best fits your personality. And take into account the characteristics of your family: Are there small children in your house? Do you have dogs? Do you spend a lot of time away from home? These and other questions will help you decide which breed of cat best fits your personal and family circumstances, without forgetting about our beloved breed cats!



