Category: Bird/Aves
What is the Longest Recorded Flight of a Chicken?
What is the Longest Recorded Flight of a Chicken – My chicken’s totally free variety frequently in the backyard. Although a strong 8-foot fence surrounds the residential or commercial property, the birds will occasionally make their method into neighboring yards. Tending to the garden one afternoon, I could hear kids on the other side of…
How do I Feed a Bird That I Have Found on the Street?
If you find a bird that is injured or does not know how to fly in the street, adopting it would be a very human measure on your part. Where appropriate, how should this animal be fed? If there is one thing that is clear, it is that animal lovers, in most cases, have a big…
How to Feed a Baby Bird
How to Feed a Baby Bird – Feeding birds is not similar to feeding ducks. Geese are nearly fearless on the subject of filling their tummies, however different birds aren’t as brave, particularly when it comes to infant birds. Baby birds once in a while fall from their nests, and every so often are knocked…
Can Rabbits and Chickens Live Together?
Can Rabbits and Chickens Live Together? – they don’t sound like they might make the maximum ideal pairing, but raising and preserving these two animals together can make for a harmonious family. Whilst a rabbit won’t lay eggs, and chickens, in reality, don’t have long floppy ears, they do proportion some similarities which can make…
How to Tell If Your Canary is Male or Female
There is only one method that is foolproof: if your canary lays eggs it is a female! Everyone else has some margin of error, so it is best to know different methods for determining the sex of the canaries, summing up the evidence and thus coming to a more accurate conclusion. If you want to…
Birds: Curiosities and the Most Important Cares
Opening your home and heart for birds can be a great experience, but getting started in this world can be a little weird. Many birds are abandoned in shelters every year because their tutors find they do not know how to take care of them properly. Here are some tips for you to choose birds…
Who Came First, the Egg or the Chicken?
The egg or the chicken? Discover, once and for all, the answer to the question that bothers generations, takes many people’s sleep, and maybe one of the greatest and most complex mysteries of mankind! Ahh… the classic question that everyone asks at some point in life and that, in the end, turns out to be one…
Purple-breasted Cotinga Bird
Purple-breasted Cotinga is a passeriform bird of the Cotingidae family. Also known as purple cotinga. The color of the tops in the male-purple-breasted Cotinga is a deep blue, instead of the turquoise-pale blue of the largest Spangled Cotinga male (Cotinga Yana), which the species is the only widely sympatric congener. The females are typical of the…
Are Penguins Birds, Why are Penguins Considered Birds?
Penguin… Like seabirds, penguins have a waterproof fuzz that does not get wet with water. In addition, they have a membrane between the toes, which makes their legs work like real flippers. So, despite being awkward enough to walk and not able to fly, penguins can swim very well, so much so that some species…