Category: Dog

  • Food Poisoning in Dogs: Know How to Act

    Food Poisoning in Dogs: Know How to Act

    No matter how balanced pet food is on a daily basis. Still, many have a habit of asking us for food and eating everything that lies ahead. While the reasons for this can vary widely, one thing is fact: mania can pose serious health risks to your four-legged child, including food poisoning in dogs. It…

  • Dog with Bad Breath: 6 Practical Tips to Treat

    Dog with Bad Breath: 6 Practical Tips to Treat

    One of the most common problems in the animal world is finding a dog with bad breath. Many tutors think the strong odor is of the dog’s nature and end up not paying so much attention to this problem. However, bad breath may be an indication that the pet’s health is not doing well. Therefore,…

  • Why Your Dog Vomits Yellow Foam

    Why Your Dog Vomits Yellow Foam

    In most dogs vomiting yellow foam is very common, but do you know why this happens? Usually, this liquid that comes out of your mouth is bile, a digestive fluid that is produced in the liver and stored in the gallbladder. They usually vomit this substance when their stomach is without food.   Causes your dog vomits…

  • How to Educate a Labrador Dog?

    How to Educate a Labrador Dog?

    To learn how to educate a labrador dog, the first is to start with the most basic steps of educating a dog. Keep in mind that when a new dog comes home, various behaviors common to all dogs begin. The labrador dog will bite both you and everything it finds on the floor; when you leave, there is a possibility that…

  • Can I Give My Dog Zyrtec

    Can I Give My Dog Zyrtec

    Is Zyrtec dog safe? With allergy season on your way, you and your pets may be affected by some sinful and watery eyes. With changing seasons, health changes are coming, and this is true for pets and humans alike. It’s often hard to see your furry friend in the clutches of allergies. To treat this…

  • Dog Tick ​​Disease: Learn More About Summer Disease

    Dog Tick ​​Disease: Learn More About Summer Disease

    Dogs love to run, play, and walk-in parks and open areas. However, even though we love to see our four-legged friends having fun outdoors, we must take some precautions to ensure that they do not get tick disease. Very common in summer, if not treated well, this disease can result in serious consequences. With that in mind,…

  • Brushing Dog Teeth – How to Maintain the Hygiene Habit

    Brushing Dog Teeth – How to Maintain the Hygiene Habit

    When it comes to canine hygiene, most people only think about animal bathing. However, brushing the dog’s teeth is also extremely important to ensure the pet’s health. Ignoring the care with canine dentition favors the accumulation of plaque and can cause periodontal diseases. Without proper treatment, a disease of this type causes inflammation, infections, and even tooth loss. Therefore, it…

  • How to Introduce Dogs to Each Other

    How to Introduce Dogs to Each Other

    Wild dogs grow in flocks and are socialized almost from birth. A dog socializes interacting with other dogs and learning verbal signals and body language. The limits on the pack are very clear and each puppy learns to understand the elders. Domestic dogs also begin socialization when they are born and when they enter a…

  • How to Introduce a Kitten to a Dog

    How to Introduce a Kitten to a Dog

    Introducing a new animal, be it a dog or a cat is always a very delicate time, especially in the case of having to introduce the new animal to another that can hurt him, so before attempting any approach, make sure that your large dog will not try to eat the cat, okay?   If…