Mindblown: a blog about animal lovers.

  • Tips for My Cat to be More Affectionate

    Tips for My Cat to be More Affectionate

    Cats are reputed to be independent, indifferent and even suspicious animals, but although they can be this way sometimes, we should not label them, because they can also be very affectionate and tender animals. When they want, of course. Like people, each animal has its own character and personality. Cats, like dogs and humans, respond…

  • Why does My Cat Pee on the Floor

    Why does My Cat Pee on the Floor

    Cats are extremely clean animals, they rarely make dirt around the house. Whoever adopted a kitten for the first time in life, has already been amazed at their ability to do their needs directly in the sand, without training. It turns out that not everything is flowers in the development of our kitten. As they…

  • Why do Cats Lick each Other?

    Why do Cats Lick each Other?

    Why do cats lick each other? When we see the cat licking itself we usually associate only with the maintenance of hair hygiene. But he knew there were more reasons for the cat to lick. The cat licks itself by: Personal hygiene Waterproofing Vitamin D Absorption Body temperature control Relaxation Social factor Let’s discuss these…

  • Why do Cats Groom themselves?

    Why do Cats Groom themselves?

    Anyone who has lived with or lived with a cat will know how obsessed these beautiful animals seem to be for their personal hygiene. They groom themselves several times a day: after each nap, after each meal, after we pet them … But, why? In MyFriendlyPets we do not want to leave you without the…

  • I Want to Buy a Kitten, What to do?

    I Want to Buy a Kitten, What to do?

    A cool thing is that you should constantly ask yourself and if you answer honestly before you even buy a cat, that’s why it’s taking you to buy a kitten. Remember that all things in life, we have the causes and consequences, and making the decision to buy a cat is no longer one of…

  • Can a Dog Eat Raw Meat?

    Can a Dog Eat Raw Meat?

    Can a dog eat raw meat? Although there is much debate on this issue, many pet owners, especially dogs and cats, choose to provide a natural diet based on raw ingredients. But after all, can raw meat really hurt dogs? Whenever I comment here on the blog about the natural diets for dogs, based on…

  • How to Remove Grasshoppers from Plants

    How to Remove Grasshoppers from Plants

    How to Remove Grasshoppers from Plants – Your plants are bitten and he thought it was for the aphids, but he discovered that it was because of the locusts? The locusts have chewing mouthparts and feed on plants. Normally in the fall, the female grasshopper lays its eggs and in the spring the puppies are…

  • How to Tell if a Cat is in Heat?

    How to Tell if a Cat is in Heat?

    When a cat is in the heat it is difficult not to notice, some breeds may be more discreet than others, but in general, they communicate perfectly when they are in heat. If you are thinking about adopting a cat, it may be good to know when you are in heat, so keep reading this…

  • Why Cats are better than Dogs?

    Why Cats are better than Dogs?

    Calm calm! I will not say here that one animal is better than the other, more friend, or anything else. Today’s text will tell you how cats ended up giving themselves better than dogs during these several years as they live on the ground of our beloved planet Earth. As you may know, domestic dogs…