Mindblown: a blog about animal lovers.

  • How to Care for a Sulcata Turtle

    How to Care for a Sulcata Turtle

    Sulcata turtles, native to a semi-arid environment, are animals that demand care. They weigh more than 80 pounds (36 kg) and live more than 75 years. A basic aquarium is not a suitable habitat for a Sulcata turtle. You’ll need a lot of expensive accessories to make the right habitat. Taking proper care of your…

  • How Long do Alligator Turtles Live?

    How Long do Alligator Turtles Live?

    Alligator turtles are found in their natural habitats in parts of the southeastern United States. Rivers, swamps, and lakes can be home to turtles. An adult alligator turtle can be up to 30 inches (75 cm) long. Although alligator turtles have existed for 20 million years, they are currently a threatened species. Life expectancy The…

  • Aquatic Turtles, their Care and Needs

    Aquatic Turtles, their Care and Needs

    The arrival at the home of a new member is always important, so you need to have everything ready to welcome you. If you’ve acquired a water turtle, I’m sure you’d like to know a little more about it. In this post, we will cover the basics to take care of your new pet.  Scientific name: Graptemys sp…

  • How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats Fast

    How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats Fast

    How to Get Rid of Fleas on Cats – Fleas can affect any cat, even clean ones, as they are transported from other cats. In some circumstances, fleas can be picked up outside the house and transported inside. Cats can acquire cat fleas, dog fleas or human fleas. Fleas bite cats and infect the skin, most commonly…

  • How to Care for a Mediterranean tortoise

    How to Care for a Mediterranean tortoise

    The Mediterranean turtle is a spice of Central Europe that is a good active and interactive pet option for beginner herpetologists. However, they live for a long time (about 35 years), making caring for them a long-term commitment. They require more space than other reptile pets. A 6-foot (1.82 m) 4-foot (1.21 m) corral is…

  • Aquarium Algae Fish Feeding Pets Tips

    Aquarium Algae Fish Feeding Pets Tips

    Aquarium Algae Fish Feeding Pets Tips – Algae growth is a fact of life that every aquarium owner will face sooner or later. Some algae growth is normal and healthy, but excess algae growth is unsightly and can be hazardous to fish and plants. What Causes Algae Overgrowth? Like any plant life, algae thrive on…

  • Aquarium Cleaning : Pet Tips

    Aquarium Cleaning : Pet Tips

    Aquarium Cleaning – Pet fish health depends on clean water and a clean tank or aquarium. Regular cleaning, every fortnight, should be your policy except in special circumstances. This method allows you to clean the tank without removing the fish, though at longer intervals that should be considered. To do this, a siphon to change the…

  • Can Guinea Pigs Eat Blueberries?

    Can Guinea Pigs Eat Blueberries?

    Can Guinea Pigs Eat Blueberries – Culmination, who doesn’t love them? In particular when we speak me approximately these antioxidant wealthy berries. Who can withstand blueberries? Might your bushy puppy experience them too? Can guinea pigs eat blueberries? Allow’s discover the solution to that. We recognize how terrific blueberries are in a scrumptious dessert or…

  • Bearded Dragon – Care And Keeping

    Bearded Dragon – Care And Keeping

    Bearded Dragon – Care And Keeping The bearded dragon is an attractive large pet lizard. Tamed from young by being made familiar with handling in short sessions, the bearded dragon will develop into a friendly and non-aggressive pet which over time will often allow you to feed it by hand. Bearded dragons also being bathed so…