Scorpion Sting – What to do, What Not to do and How to Avoid

Scorpion Sting – What to do, What Not to do and How to Avoid


You probably heard as a child how important it is to avoid a scorpion bite. Unfortunately, none of this is overkill.

This small invertebrate with a body, four pairs of legs, a tail with poison bags, and a stinger on the end can be extremely deadly.

However, there are several species of scorpions. Therefore, some of them do not have a strong poison to the point of causing serious problems for those who are bitten.

In Brazil, these animals can be found anywhere. That is, they are in rural and urban areas. In addition, they have nocturnal habits, even hiding from the light.

Scorpion’s sting

Scorpion Sting - What to do, What Not to do and How to Avoid

The most common is to find scorpions in dark places. So be careful with stones, wood, debris, plumbing, and building materials. Incidentally, they can also hide inside shoes, clothes and in the person’s own home, the place where accidents occur most.

The scorpion is a tough animal. That is, he can go for several days without water or food. However, their diet consists of insects, mainly cockroaches. In addition, they also eat termites and crickets. Attacks almost always occur when the scorpion feels threatened.

That is, when putting on a shoe, make sure you don’t have any animals in it. Simple unintended proximity can be enough for the animal to attack. Finally, the biggest risk groups are housewives, children, and people working in construction or handling products.


Sting symptoms

The most common symptoms of scorpion sting are:

  • Burning sensation;
  • Needling sensation;
  • Discreet to severe pain.

However, moderate conditions end up showing a few more symptoms. Are they:

  • Nausea;
  • Motion sickness;
  • Vomiting;
  • Sweating;
  • Increased heart rate;
  • Pressure fall;
  • Difficulty breathing.

On the other hand, when the scorpion bite presents a severe condition, even more so if it is with a child, the person may experience excessive sweating and vomiting. In addition, they may have other symptoms such as:

  • Uncoordinated movement;
  • Agitation;
  • Somnolence;
  • Difficulty walking;
  • Tremors;
  • Mental confusion;
  • Spasms.

How to care

First, it is important to wash the area with soap and water, put a warm compress on the area, and take pain relievers to reduce pain. In addition, the injured person must rest and be taken to the doctor. In fact, it is important that the animal that stung it is taken, if possible. If not, a photo helps.

This serves to identify which species ended up attacking the individual. Thus, the antidote will be administered more quickly and accurately. For example, the yellow scorpion is super toxic and its poison needs to be treated quickly so that it does not become a serious case.

Do not do

On TV and in movies, you can see people treating scorpions or spiders in the wrong ways. Watch out for what you shouldn’t do if you are attacked by a scorpion:

  • Tie or tourniquet the injured area;
  • Put any substance or homemade recipe on the spot;
  • Dressing (this can increase the risk of infection);
  • Ingesting alcoholic beverages with the intention of cutting the poison’s effect (besides not working, it can worsen the condition causing intoxication);
  • Cut, drill, or burn the place.

How to avoid scorpion bites

  • Keep everything clean. In other words, the house, garden, yard and the like must always be organized and without objects that can become a refuge for the animal;
  • Shake clothes and shoes before putting them on;
  • Seal the cracks in the doors, in addition to installing screens in the same locations and windows;
  • When you move to a place that could be an animal hiding place, always wear long boots, gloves and long sleeves;
  • See a doctor if you are bitten by a scorpion. You will never know for sure whether the animal that attacked you is highly poisonous or not;
  • Also, avoid leaving your clothes drying on walls, fences or even on the floor;
  • In fact, vacant lots near the house also need to be cleaned frequently;
  • The same goes for the house grass, that is, always keep it well trimmed;
  • Just like clothes, check the sheets before you go to bed;
  • Finally, place cribs and beds at least 10 cm away from the walls.



