What Do I Need to House a Water Turtle at Home?

What Do I Need to House a Water Turtle at Home?


Water turtles are very popular pets, among other reasons, because they are really very easy to care for. If you would like to know more about the habitat, feeding, and care of water turtles, we recommend that you read this post carefully.


Turtle enclosures and aquariums

This type of turtle needs a space with water and a dry space to live, not much depth in the water, but enough to allow the turtle to swim, spin and dive comfortably. If it is still small, about 15 or 20 cm deep will suffice. Remember that water turtles can easily grow up to 20 cm in diameter if they are well cared for, so they will need more space. Turtles prefer to feed directly on the water, which often gives rise to a lot of dirt.

What Do I Need to House a Water Turtle at Home?
What Do I Need to House a Water Turtle at Home?

To maintain good water quality with no rotting organic material, you will need a powerful filter that you should clean frequently. We recommend external filters with a thick sponge that holds large materials and a capacity slightly larger than the size of the turtle enclosure. This type of filter creates a water stream that is also very pleasant for turtles, as well as facilitating cleaning tasks. If your turtle is very young or has a small tank, you can use an internal filter and clean it every time you see the flow slow. Another option to keep the water clean is to feed your pet in a separate tank and then put it back in your aquarium. Always remember to keep the water well oxygenated with a fan with diffuser stone. This accessory helps maintain a healthy population of bacteria in the biological filter.

The dry part or “island” should be easily accessible so that your water turtle can climb whenever you want and large enough to dry completely on the surface. Ideally, it has a very dry cover of sand or gravel and some decoration that gives it shade and a place to hide. It is also very nice to put gravel or coarse sand at the bottom of the water. This is necessary for turtles that bury themselves in the bottom.



Lighting and heating of enclosures

As with all reptiles, the care of water turtles requires special attention to two key factors: lighting and temperature. On the island, you should install a lamp that provides heat and UVB radiation during the day. This radiation is critical for your aquatic turtle to metabolize calcium and to avoid serious illness in the future. The temperature gradient within the tank should range from approximately 24 to 30 ° C. You also have to control the water temperature, which should be a little lower. At room temperature, you may need an additional heat source, such as a heating cable or blanket. Frequently measure the temperature of your water turtle’s habitat and see if it feeds properly and is active.


What do water turtles eat?

Most water turtles are carnivorous, but also eat some vegetables sporadically. There are formulated feeds for water turtles, but it is always convenient to accompany them with fresh foods such as shrimps, worms, insects, pieces of meat, etc. You should always have a calcium supplement for reptiles to spray food every day for growing turtles and twice a week for adults. Do not overcharge the turtle and remove any food left over at each meal to take care of the water quality.

Remember that in Tiendanimal you will find everything necessary for your aquatic turtle to live healthy and happy for many years. From the most suitable enclosures and aquariums to the best food for reptiles.






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