My Dog ​​Doesn't Want to Eat: What Can It Be?

My Dog ​​Doesn’t Want to Eat: What Can It Be?


More than just a body need, eating is often a great pleasure not only for us humans but also for pets. However, it is common to hear from tutors, ” My dog ​​doesn’t want to eat, what do I do?” And because of the importance of food, they are often worried.

If this is the same as your dog’s, know that it’s important to worry! This is because while refusing food may be a common habit for dogs with poor dietary habits, lack of appetite can be a symptom of many diseases, and consulting a veterinarian is essential.

My Dog ​​Doesn't Want to Eat: What Can It Be?
My Dog ​​Doesn’t Want to Eat: What Can It Be?

But after all, why doesn’t my dog ​​want to eat feed?


Selective Appetite x Lack of Appetite

Many tutors are often apprehensive when their pet decides to skip a meal, but this will not always be a health problem. According to Petz veterinarian Camila Lozano, some breeds may be more selective when eating, making it difficult to choose foods.

“This selectivity is usually linked to small breeds such as Maltese, Chihuahua, Yorkshire, Poodle, and others. Already large animals are more “eaters” and hardly reject their food, “says the expert.

According to her, this occurs more often on days when the temperature is high, as dogs become more lethargic and end up losing their appetite. However, even if selectivity is a characteristic of these breeds, it is important to be aware of the pet so that it does not go more than a day without eating.

In this sense, prevent the pet’s desire to skip meals from becoming a habit. To assist in times like these, try to set food times and don’t overdo the snacks.


When Stop Eating Is a Warning Sign?

Having a selective appetite and choosing what you want to eat is different than a dog with no appetite, one that rejects even the snack or feeds you used to love. If this happens, it is a sign that something is wrong with the pet.

But it is no use trying to figure out the problem yourself, as a specialist will be more accurate and will give the pet an ideal treatment. Dr. Camila explains, “All diseases can manifest a lack of appetite as a symptom,” because dogs, like us, also stop eating when they feel pain, fever, nausea, and others.


Therefore, if you notice the presence of these or other symptoms – such as vomiting, diarrhea and lack of thirst – take your friend to a vet as soon as possible and tell him everything that happened, so you will help him make a diagnosis.


Separation Anxiety: It May Be Behind Poor Appetite

It’s important to know that it’s not just physical problems that lead to canine appetite loss. Psychological problems are also common in dogs and can cause them to spend long periods without eating.

A frequent problem among them, separation anxiety, causes many to eat only when they are with their guardian. Due to hectic daily life, it is normal for dogs to eat at night only when the guardian comes home from work.

If this is the case with your friend, a tip is: invest in interactive toys, because the pet will have fun even away from your tutor and can still eat the feed. With this practice, he will not spend so much time fasting.

In any case, consider also seeking the help of a canine trainer, as apart from lack of appetite, separation anxiety generates a lot of suffering for your friend.


Tips to Maintain a Dog’s Appetite

Making sure your best friend’s health is up to date is the first step to avoiding problems that lead to loss of appetite. However, some measures taken in your daily life are also essential for the pet to feed in a balanced way.

Now that you know the answer to “why doesn’t my dog ​​want to eat?”, Be sure to stay tuned here on the Petz blog to find many other interesting topics for you and your pet! You will not be out of this, right?






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