Category: Cat

  • How to Give Cat Pill: Making the Process Easier

    How to Give Cat Pill: Making the Process Easier

    Knowing how to give a cat pill can be harder than you think. Unlike the dog, which can be dribbled by putting the medicine in the middle of food, the cat is more selective at feeding time. And chances are your pet will scratch or bite you during the process, but calm down! Not everything…

  • Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know

    Cat Breeds: All You Need to Know

    How many cat breeds do you know? If you like these lovely pets, you surely know that there are many breeds. How many cat breeds do you know? If you like these lovely pets, you surely know that there are many breeds. Taking a look at the characteristics of some of the most common breeds will help you decide…

  • How to Cut a Cat’s Nails

    How to Cut a Cat’s Nails

    Cats have eighteen nails, ten on their front paws and eight on their hind paws, and it is recommended to cut them every two to three weeks approximately depending on the activity and routines they have. It is a process that can be complicated at first and certainly your cat will be nervous. But don’t worry, follow the steps…

  • Cat Takes a Shower? Find out More About Cat Hygiene!

    Cat Takes a Shower? Find out More About Cat Hygiene!

    Cats are known for their independence. Because of this, many tutors are not so concerned if the cat takes a bath, as the pussies spend long moments cleaning themselves by gentle licking. But is “cat bathing” really enough to clean the pet or cat needs to bathe? Let’s find out more about it, bringing 5 myths…

  • How to Tell If My Cat Is Sick: Adult Cat Evidence List

    How to Tell If My Cat Is Sick: Adult Cat Evidence List

    Cats are usually animals that spend the day sleeping, eating and playing, with a calm and relaxed attitude. It is important to know your usual conduct and behavior in order to distinguish if he is wrong. An alarm signal that your cat is not doing well is his apathetic and inactive attitude. Several signs will give…

  • What Is the Best Anti Flea for My Cat?

    What Is the Best Anti Flea for My Cat?

    If you think your cat has or may have fleas, count on many products that can repel or prevent the appearance of these parasites. Also, it’s important to know what fleas look like and what damage they can do to our little ones. Here you’ll learn the best anti-flea products for your cat and the recommendations our vets…

  • How to Clean a Cat’s Ears

    How to Clean a Cat’s Ears

    The cat is an extremely clean animal that can devote many hours of its day to cleaning itself and is also an exceptional domestic animal that retains its hunter instinct and is exploitative and independent. For all these reasons we sometimes believe that you need less care than a dog, but this is a serious…

  • How Old is a Cat?

    How Old is a Cat?

    Have you ever wondered how old a cat lives? In July 2018, for example, the English cat Rubble, turned 30 and became known for being the oldest Cat off today. But, while impressive, the truth is that the feline still needs to live long to beat the historical record. That’s because, according to Guinness, the Book of Records,…

  • Cat Litter: How Often and How to Clean?

    Cat Litter: How Often and How to Clean?

    Cats are extremely clean animals and the correct cleaning of the litter box is very important for their quality of life. One of the issues that most doubt the owners of first-time pussies is the litter box for cats. How many to have at home? Which sand to use? And the main: how many times…